The memories of childhood are always accompanied by remembrances of riding on a trike or a bike for the very first time. When toddlers show signs of wanting to move around on their own and get to experience a little adventure, there is nothing more perfect to give than a ride-on toy that can make them do just that. Ride-on toys build up wonderful memories for kids, memories that they will always cherish. With playthings like these, kids are able to do some exploration of their physical abilities while pedaling, pushing, and riding along. No one understands this more than Fisher Price, a known brand for children’s playthings. As soon as your toddler is about 2 years old, you may want to consider getting him his first trike, a ride-on toy that he will definitely enjoy immensely. This is what the Fisher Price Grow With Me Trike is all about. Why is it called grow with me? Simply because this trike has been especially designed to grow along with your child, through changing from the regular type of tricycle into a performance tricycle.
Your toddler’s very first trike will be a hit as he would surely want to take a ride right after he has started walking. While your child grows and starts to develop, he will soon learn to be more skillful on his trike, doing some maneuvering as he rides his trike forward and backward, and even while rounding corners. The Fisher Price Grow With Me Trike allows him to do all of the things he wants to do while running around, and more. What’s more, the Fisher Price Grow With Me Trike is extremely durable and very sturdy. With a wide wheelbase, you can be sure that it can provide excellent stability, which is a plus when it comes to the safety of your child. The trike is very simple to assemble and includes detailed instructions that are pretty straightforward. It only takes a matter of 15 minutes to put the trike together. Because it grows with a child, the trike has a seat that can be adjusted to three positions, together with detachable pedal blocks.
The extra features of the Fisher Price Grow With Me Trike include their slip-resistant pedals and handlebars that your toddler will find very easy to grip. Its large front wheel allows more speed when pedaling. Another nice thing about this trike is when it is placed on lower positions, it can be ridden as a Low Rider, along with its extra-large front wheel. And yes, the trike does grow with your child with seat that can be adjusted to three positions. Want to know more about this trike?
Click Here for a Great Special on Fisher Price Grow With Me Trike